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Hello, I'm DonvitoCodes, a Filipino Software Engineer living in Singapore.

I'm currently taking a career break and building my own Gen AI apps.

Are you building something too? I'd love to hear about it!

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AI Prompt Creator

I developed AI Prompt Creator using ChatGPT. This is to demonstrate that you can develop products with prompting. You can follow me to know more about my software development workflow with AI. You can ask me when I go live in Twitch.

Here are the features of AI Prompt Creator:

  • Ready-to-use Prompt Templates
  • Input placeholders so you can easily change context of the prompts for reusability.
  • Simple templates search
  • Prompt Templates Preview
  • Easily Copy final prompt to clipboard so you can Paste to ChatGPT.
  • Doesn't support mobile for now
Try it now!

Featured Videos

Updated my NextJS website using Claude and ChatGPT

In this livestream, I added a responsive cards view feature to my website I used Claude AI and ChatGPT to add it.

Let's explore ChatGPT/OpenAI APIs

In this episode, we explored OpenAI ChatGPT APIs and demoed Golang application calling the OpenAI APIs. I also showed the OpenAI API dashboard.

Enrich your Life and Work with AI

In this episode, we explored how we can use Generative AI tools like ChatGPT to be more productive in our life and work.

The Fun and Exciting Impact of Artificial Intelligence(AI)

In this episode, Aivan Monceller, our AI-enthusiast guest, discussed how AI is revolutionizing productivity in technology and everyday life. He also explained a brief history of AI Image Generation. Then, we did demos of cutting-edge technologies OpenAI, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney.

How to Become a Software Developer

Our maiden episode. In this episode, I discussed with Aivan Monceller, Software Engineer @ Razer Singapore, about how anyone can start the career in software development.

How to prepare for Big Tech Company Technical Interview

Spoke to our special guest, Marc Lester Tan, our special guest. He's a Filipino developer who is currently working as a Software Engineer @ Meta - Palo Alto, California, United States.

Let's talk about Startups and Software Engineering with Keith Rull

Spoke to our special guest, Keith Oliver Rull, Engineering Leader / Startup Advisor and VP of Engineering in EyeRate California, US

Astro 1.0 Web Framework is out! Let's check it out!

We took a look at, a modern web framework which was currently released. We also did a bit of live coding in this episode.

Check out Astro

Free online tech learning resources and tools

In this episode, I went through free learning resources and tools you can use to start software development.

Check out the list we came up in Github
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